Synthetics: January 2021 Update
Our Synthetic Monitoring product gets another delivery of features in January 2021: Kentik is now monitoring performance within the most popular Public Clouds, per-user granular permissions are now available for Viewing and Editing synthetic tests, and Private Agents now come with labels, so you can manage them more efficiently.
Free Cloud Performance Meshes
There’s a tab for that!
Do you have applications deployed in multiple availability zones of a given cloud provider? How about across different cloud providers? We heard our customers say things like, “I want to know if users on the east coast are seeing problems loading my app because the latency to us-east-1 has increased significantly” or “How can I be sure that my app instance in EC2 is able to reach my BigQuery instance in GCP?” and we realized that not only can we provide a real quick way of answering that question, but we could go a step further and make that answer available to all our customers for free (exactly the way we did with the Free SaaS application performance tab). Say Hello to the new Cloud Performance Mesh tab!
The new Cloud Performance tab gives users a general sense of cloud performance without them having to create these test themselves and needing to use test credits.
We have four preconfigured tests — one each for testing performance between different regions of the three biggest cloud providers (AWS, Azure and GCP) and one for testing performance between them.