Synthetic Monitoring: October 2020 Update
Kentik's Product and Engineering teams are at it again this October 2020: a whole batch of new features have been delivered to delight our Synthetic Monitoring users - test configuration options got extended to allow the following
- we added 1 second test frequencies
- IPv4/v6 granular test configs
- new Network Test protocol choices
Read on and enjoy!
Testing Frequency
Kentik has introduced new testing frequency options that range from every 15 seconds down to every second. Furthermore, we have structured pricing for sub-minute synthetic tests to be very attractive. Kentik asks, “Your traffic is continuous, so why isn’t your synthetic testing?”
For the first time in the industry, Kentik makes synthetic testing practical for mission-critical applications such as machine, factory and warehouse automation, where high-frequency testing is required, missing nothing.
Per Test Configuration Options
We’ve added new options under the Advanced menu when creating new tests. Users can increase the number of probes sent per test (to gather more data points) or dial it down (to prevent flooding the network).
Users can now control whether a test will target both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses or just one type. This is particularly useful in Hostname and Autonomous tests, where we find a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
TCP “Ping”
Choosing TCP (as an alternative to ICMP) at test creation time and specifying a destination port to test towards will result in a test that will send a certain number of TCP SYN probes and either expect a SYN-ACK or RST in response. This is currently only applicable to ping tests (not trace) and requires ksynth (agent) 0.0.6 or newer.
Reverse Path for Site-Mesh tests
Hovering over a subtest in a site-mesh test will now show path metrics in both directions and highlight both tests.