Site, Device & Interface Settings screen additions
Site IP Classifications
Site IP Classification provides a way to define what site traffic originates from or what site traffic terminates to. This is particularly useful for our enterprise network customers to be able to track which data centers, branch offices, infrastructure hosts, or even employees are utilizing the network.
The configuration of this mapping is in the Manage Sites page in the settings.
In the following dialog, provide a comma separated list of IP CIDRs of the appropriate networks that are located at a particular site. Doing this configuration will tag each of your traffic flows with the appropriate values in the following dimensions:
- Site by IP: The site name based on the site IP mapping
- Site Type by IP: The site type (Data Center, Cloud, Branch/Building, Connectivity PoP, Customer/Partner, Other) based on the Site IP Mapping
- IP Type (to be released soon): The IP Type (Infrastructure Networks, User Access Networks, Other IPs) based on the Site IP Mapping
New Settings Details Sidebar
Usability and design are very important to us at Kentik. We constantly look for ways to improve the readability and utility of the information that is presented. More importantly, we respond to our customer feedback. We have updated the design of a few of our most-used setting pages to provide a cleaner and more organized presentation of the most important aspects of your network — Interfaces and Devices. Take a look and let us know what you think by submitting your input via the “Feedback” link at the top right of the Kentik window.