Library UI/UX tweaks coming your way
We weren't entirely satisfied with our last revamp of the Library UI so we gave it a few more iterations to make it more legible, we hope we like these new tweaks.
Top Recent/Favorites Strip
In the initial iteration of the overhaul, we noticed that the top strip would sometimes get in the way for users with little vertical real estate (i.e. low vertical resolution). It would consume a large part of vertical real estate and a large part of the content of the library would be pushed below the fold so we went ahead and fixed that:
The top Strip is now toggle-able, and your last setting will be remembered by your browser as it is stored in your local session. Beyond that, there's now a keyboard shortcut to show/hide that Favorites/recent top-strip: [shift]+[f]
Views grouping
Users can now group the views in the data-table based on a few attributes: ungrouped, Owner (who created the view), Sharing (Shared, Private, or Kentik Preset), View Type (Dashboard or Saved View)
...these groupings will appear in the list table as group header rows with counts - as depicted below when grouping on "Sharing"
Finally, the previous display of labels in the list using full-color labels made it very noisy, so we rethought the way we're displaying labels - a picture being worth a thousand words:
vs the previous format
- The title of the view was made bigger
- the labels made more subtle while still showing their colors (avoiding color overload)
- the labels are now sitting next to the title (a visual treatment we stole from GitHub's clean UX)
- the labels for presets also have had their format changed to this to better match the new visual format
New Label selector filter UI
We changed the Label Selector to be more efficient, and in line with the new visual format both in the filter panel, but also in the bulk interface above the list of views.
Note how labels are now sorted by 1) your company's label (alphabetically) 2) Kentik Presets labels (alphabetically) one after the other and not together anymore like they used to be.
Why all these changes on labels ?
One of the reasons we're updating the visual aesthetics of labels is that as you may have noticed, labels will take a more and more central role throughout Kentik Portal, especially when it comes to RBAC (Role Based Access Control) - and to achieve that, we want a label UX throughout Kentik Portal as smooth and legible as can be.
Moving forward in 2024, expect other areas of Kentik Portal with labels involved to receive the same visual update to match their style with this new one.