Library gets a few useful upgrades (Last Viewed, Trending)
Since we've overhauled the experience around our Library, we have kept listening to our users' feedback to further improve it.
In the recent past, we've added the following:
- reduced the visual noise by re-designing labels throughout the product
- added the ability to attach multiple labels to every view
- added a toggle to show/hide Favorites and Recents
- introduced RBAC for elements in the Library, allowing users to granularly select which content is available to which users
This time around, we are adding a couple niceties that we think our users may like or have requested in the past, read on!
Last Viewed Attribute
Some of our users have multiple hundreds of Dashboards and Saved Views in their Library. Not all of these user-created analytics are up-to-date and some get stale over time, replaced by newer visualizations.
It has been a frequent ask from the "Librarian" population of our user base to let them order content in the Library based on the date at which it has last been used – this way, they could more safely perform spring cleaning actions and keep their Library as up-to-date and noiseless as possible.
From now on, every time a user opens a Dashboard or Saved View, the meta-data around it gets a timestamp updated to store when it was last opened.
We are presenting this attribute in the "Last Viewed" column of the Library listing table:
This column should be enabled by default for new users and will be added by migration later this month to existing users. If not enabled, hit the "Customize" button at the top-right corner of the listing table:
Trending Views
In our frequent feedback sessions with users, one of the things that often comes up is the difficulty for other users in their company to know if any good Saved Views or Dashboards are available to them.
One of the ways we're attempting to help with this is by computing at regular intervals (once a day or once a week – we're currently experimenting with the frequency) what the Top 10 Dashboards and Saved Views are within each company.
We then tag all of these with a "Trending" label making them easy for users to discover in the library.
We currently use the number of views for each Dashboard/Saved View over the last rolling month to rank them.
In the Library, you can now filter for "Trending" content:
Dashboards or Saved Views which are trending come with a special label associated to their name in the Library content listing table:
And when looking at any Dashboard or Saved View, the title bar will now indicate with a little flame icon if it is trendy (i.e. if it is within the Top 10 of all content in its category within the last month).