Introducing the new Organization Settings menu!
In the coming months, we're going to consistently streamline the Settings screen as you have known it.
Today, we're sharing the 1st iteration of this broader project – Organization Settings. Kentik users now have a new Organization Settings menu displayed next to User Settings at the top right of the navigation bar, making it easier and faster to manage company and organization-wide settings.
Let's start with what's new in the Organization Settings menu:
- Licenses moved from the top Navigation menu to this menu
- All of the additional links in this menu have been moved over from the Settings screen
- You'll also notice that your
Kentik Company ID (CID)
is now mentioned at the top right of this menu
The User menu is right next to it and now looks like this – the entries are self-explanatory. User Name, Email, and your Kentik Portal User ID (UID)
are now displayed in this menu.
Thanks to relocating many of these entries from the Settings page, the Settings page now displays a more streamlined and clean look. Additionally, we've created a dedicated section for all Alerting settings to be housed – making the page much more homogenous and easy to navigate for users.
Let us know how you feel about these changes!