Dashboard Navigation
Dashboard Navigation reduces the time spent drilling down to root causes by enabling users to navigate from a given dashboard panel directly to another dashboard that’s related to the same use case. Kentik will be rolling out a library of these ready-made dashboard workflows, but power users can go ahead and create workflows today to match their needs. Note that the general creation and editing of Dashboards is covered in the Dashboards article of our Knowledge Base, and that an upcoming post on our blog will provide more information on how to use these new dashboard features.
Creating a nested dashboard begins with the settings for the dashboard panel from which you will be navigating. In the following example, we’ll update an existing dashboard with existing panels. However, the process to create a new dashboard or panel would be very similar.
- From the Dashboard page (Dashboards on the main portal navbar), open the Dashboard to which you want to add nesting.
- When the dashboard opens, click the Edit Mode button at upper right.
- A round blue Navigate To button will now appear on the right edge of each of the dashboard’s panels (shown below). Because no destination has been set yet, the tooltip for these buttons will say “No Dashboard Destination Set.” Click on the button for the panel to which you wish to add a nested dashboard.
- The Edit Dashboard Panel dialog will open with the lower section on the Navigate To tab (shown above right). Set the controls as follows:
– Turn on the Enable Dashboard Navigation switch.
– In the resulting Destination Dashboard selector, choose the dashboard to which this panel should navigate.
– The Destination Dashboard Settings controls will appear. Choose how the destination dashboard will be affected by the devices, time-range, and filters of the current dashboard.